Chamber Music is a collection of poems by James Joyce, published by Elkin Mathews in May, 1907. The collection originally comprised thirty-four love poems, but two further poems were added before publication.
Exiles is a play by James Joyce. It draws on the story of "The Dead", the final short story in Joyce's story collection Dubliners, and was rejected by W. B. Yeats for production by the Abbey Theatre. Its first major London performance was in 1970, when Harold Pinter directed it at the Mermaid Theatre. In terms of both …
Finneganovo bdijenje je posljednji roman kojega je napisao James Joyce. Nakon Uliksa koji je izdan 1922., dijelovi od onoga što je bilo poznato kao dijelo u nastajanju postupno su se počeli pojavljivati. Neki štovatelji Uliksa ostali su razočarani jer se niti jedan od prijašnjih likova nije ponovno pojavio u novom …