A postás mindig kétszer csenget James Mallahan Cain második könyve volt, az USA-ban 1934-ben jelent meg, az ír származású marylandi írónak pedig egy csapásra hírnevet és sikert hozott. Az alig száz és még valahány oldalas történet vegyes fogadtatást kapott. A történetbe csempészett erotika és erőszak miatt a regényre …

Tautly narrated and excruciatingly suspenseful, Double Indemnity gives us an X-ray view of guilt, of duplicity, and of the kind of obsessive, loveless love that devastates everything it touches. First published in 1935, this novel reaffirmed James M. Cain as a virtuoso of the roman noir. A riveting classic of …

Mildred Pierce is a 1941 hardboiled novel by James M. Cain. It was made into an Academy Award-winning 1945 film of the same name, starring Joan Crawford, and a 2011 Emmy Award-winning miniseries of the same name, starring Kate Winslet.

(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)These three classics from the master of the noir novel, along with five otherwise unavailable short stories, are electric with the taut narrative voice, the suspense, and the explosive violence and eroticism that were James M. Cain’s indelible hallmarks.The Postman Always Rings Twice, …