Kiss the Girls is a psychological thriller novel by American writer James Patterson, the second to star his recurring main character Alex Cross, an African-American psychologist and policeman. It was first published in 1995, and was adapted into a movie of the same name in 1997.
Live large with James Patterson's winning follow-up to the #1 New York Times bestseller Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life.After sixth grade, the very worst year of his life, Rafe Khatchadorian thinks he has it made in seventh grade. He's been accepted to art school in the big city and imagines a …
Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life is a realistic fiction novel by James Patterson that serves as the beginning of Patterson's Middle School series. Published in the United States by Little, Brown and Company on June 27, 2011, the book follows sixth grader Rafe Khatchadorian as he begins middle school and …
2nd Chance is the second novel in the Women's Murder Club series written by James Patterson with Andrew Gross. It is the sequel to 1st to Die.
One last chance...for Max, Fang, and Dylan...before it all ends.Are you ready for the final chapter? Are you ready for the ultimate flight? Because THIS IS IT. One last incredible, explosive adventure with an astonishing ending that no one could have seen coming.Book Details:Format: HardcoverPublication Date: …