image of Jane Austen

Jane Austen

... Unknown

Inspired by Les Liaisons Dangereuses, and written in a similar epistolary form, Lady Susan is one of Jane Austen’s earliest finished works. In it, she reveals all the caustic wit and brilliant social satire of her later novellas. The victim of a vicious scandal, the impoverished Lady Susan is obliged to take up …

... Unknown

Emma, karya Jane Austen, adalah sebuah novel tentang keangkuhan masa muda dan resiko dari cinta yang disalahpahami. Novel ini pertama kali di publikasikan pada Desember 1815. Seperti novel-novelnya yang lain, Austen mengeksplorasi masalah dan kesulitan wanita terhormat yang hidup pada Era Georgian di Inggris; dia juga …

... Unknown

This new collection of Austen's brilliant short fiction is the first annotated edition of her short writings. The texts have been compared with the manuscripts to give a number of new readings. In addition to prose fiction and prayers, this collection contains many of her poems written to amuse and console her …

... Unknown

This new collection of Austen's brilliant short fiction is the first annotated edition of her short writings. The texts have been compared with the manuscripts to give a number of new readings. In addition to prose fiction and prayers, this collection contains many of her poems written to amuse and console her …