Smrt a život amerických velkoměst je monografie americké novinářky Jane Jacobsové věnovaná urbanismu velkoměst. Kniha patří do základní literatury přeložené do češtiny o územním plánování a veřejných prostorech.
Dark Age Ahead is a 2004 book by Jane Jacobs describing what she sees as the decay of five key "pillars" in North America: community and family, higher education, science and technology, taxes and government responsive to citizen's needs, and self-policing by the learned professions. She argues that this decay …
From the revered author of the classic The Death and Life of Great American Cities comes a new book that will revolutionize the way we think about the economy.Starting from the premise that human beings "exist wholly within nature as part of natural order in every respect," Jane Jacobs has focused her singular eye on …