Relive the iconic adventures of Tempus the Black and his Sacred Band through the eyes of Nikodemos, his right-side companion, as Niko seeks his spirit's balance on Bandara's misty isles. Five early tales of the Stepsons in a world of thieves, novelized with additional stories available nowhere else. Ride with Tempus …
The Carnelian Throne is a 1979 fantasy novel by Janet Morris. Published by Bantam Books, it is the fourth and final title of the Silistra series.
The Golden Sword is a book written by Janet Morris in 1976 and first published in 1977. It is the second part of her Silistra series of novels.
In the Heroes in Hell fictional universe, The Little Helliad is a full-length novel based structurally on The Little Iliad. In The Little Helliad, Satan calls Homer to him and demands that Homer write a great epic poem aggrandizing Satan's glory. Homer says he must travel throughout all the hells of creation to …