Your Face Tomorrow, Volume 1: Fever and Spear is a 2002 novel by the Spanish writer Javier Marías. Margaret Jull Costa's English translation was published by New Directions in 2005. Costa won the coveted Valle- Inclán Award for this translation.

A breathtaking novel about family secrets, winner of the 1997 Dublin IMPAC Prize for the best novel published worldwide in English, and arguably Javier Marías's masterpiece. Javier Marías's A Heart So White chronicles with unnerving insistence the relentless power of the past. Juan knows little of the interior life of …

Written Lives is a collection of biographical sketches of famous literary figures, written by Spanish author Javier Marías and originally published in 2000. Margaret Jull Costa's English translation was published by New Directions in 2006. Authors featured include: Djuna Barnes Joseph Conrad Arthur Conan Doyle Isak …