The Reprieve is a 1945 novel by Jean-Paul Sartre. It is the second part in the trilogy The Roads to Freedom. It concerns life in France during the eight days before the signing of the Munich Agreement and the subsequent takeover of Czechoslovakia in September 1938.
Existentialism and Humanism is a 1946 philosophical work by Jean-Paul Sartre. Widely considered one of the defining texts of the Existentialist movement, the book is based on a lecture called "Existentialism is a Humanism" that Sartre gave at Club Maintenant in Paris, on October 29, 1945.
The Wretched of the Earth is a 1961 book by Frantz Fanon, a psychiatric and psychologic analysis of the dehumanising effects of colonization upon the individual, and the nation, from which derive the broader social, cultural, and political implications inherent to establishing a social movement for the decolonization …
Les Mots, utgitt 1964, er forfatteren og filosofen Jean Paul Sartres selvbiografi. Boken omhandler hendelser i og refleksjoner omkring hans liv frem til hans ellevte år. Sartre var 59 år gammel da han skrev romanen som beskriver hans oppvekst med bøker og det skrevne ord gjennom en analyse av ham selv og hans familie. …
The full French text of Sartre's novel is accompanied by French-English vocabulary. Notes and a detailed introduction in English put the work in its social and historical context.
One of Sartre’s greatest existentialist works of fiction, The Wall contains the only five short stories he ever wrote. Set during the Spanish Civil War, the title story crystallizes the famous philosopher’s existentialism. 'The Wall', the lead story in this collection, introduces three political prisoners on the night …
Væren og intet, fransk L'être et le néant. Essai d'ontologie phénoménologique er den franske filosofen Jean-Paul Sartre sitt faglitterære hovedverk. Boka drøfter menneskers opplevelse av og vilkår for frihet. Verket er en utledning av Sartres tese om at eksistens går forut for essens.
The first novel of Sartre's monumental Roads to Freedom series, The Age of Reason is set in 1938 and tells of Mathieu, a French professor of philosophy who is obsessed with the idea of freedom. As the shadows of the Second World War draw closer -- even as his personal life is complicated by his mistress's pregnancy -- …