Antigone è un dramma in un atto unico di Jean Anouilh scritto nel 1941 e pubblicato nel 1943. Fu rappresentato per la prima volta al Théâtre de l'Atelier di Parigi il 6 febbraio 1944 con regia, costumi e scenografia di André Barsacq. Ispirato alla omonima tragedia di Sofocle, il dramma, composto durante l'occupazione …

Becket or The Honour of God is a play written in French by Jean Anouilh. It is a depiction of the conflict between Thomas Becket and King Henry II of England leading to Becket's assassination in 1170. It contains many historical inaccuracies, which the author acknowledged.

Le voyageur sans bagage is a 1937 play in five acts by Jean Anouilh. Incidental music was written by Darius Milhaud.

The Lark is a 1952 play about Joan of Arc by the French playwright Jean Anouilh. It was presented on Broadway in English in 1955, starring Julie Harris as Joan and Boris Karloff as Pierre Cauchon. It was produced by Kermit Bloomgarden. Lillian Hellman made the English adaptation and Leonard Bernstein composed the …