Simulacra and Simulation is a 1981 philosophical treatise by Jean Baudrillard seeking to examine the relationships among reality, symbols, and society. Simulacra are copies that depict things that either had no original to begin with, or that no longer have an original. Simulation is the imitation of the operation of …

Hello America, tradotto anche come Ultime notizie dall'America, è un romanzo di fantascienza del 1981 scritto dall'autore britannico James Graham Ballard. È stato edito in italiano nello stesso anno da Arnoldo Mondadori Editore nella collana Urania.

Now available in English for the first time, Jean Baudrillard′s classic text was one of the first to focus on the process and meaning of consumption in contemporary culture. Originally published in 1970, the book still makes a vital contribution to current debates on consumption. Many of the themes which would make …

The Gulf War Did Not Take Place, a book by Jean Baudrillard, is a collection of three short essays published in the French newspaper Libération and British paper The Guardian between January and March 1991. Part 1, "The Gulf War will not take place" was published in Liberation on January 4, 1991. Part 2, "The Gulf War …