The Miracle of the Rose is a 1946 book by Jean Genet about experiences as a detainee in Mettray Penal Colony and Fontevrault prison - although there is no direct evidence of Genet ever having been imprisoned in the latter establishment. This autobiographical work has a non-linear structure: stories from Genet's …

Our Lady of the Flowers is the debut novel of French writer Jean Genet, first published in 1943. The free-flowing, poetic novel is a largely autobiographical account of a man's journey through the Parisian underworld. The characters are drawn after their real-life counterparts, who are mostly homosexuals living on the …

Querelle uit Brest is een roman van de Franse schrijver Jean Genet. Het boek werd in 1947 geschreven en voor het eerst uitgegeven in 1953. Het verhaal speelt zich af in de havenstad Brest waar zeilers en de zee worden geassocieerd met moord. Het centrale personage is Georges Querelle. De roman vormde de basis van …