《愛拉與穴熊族》是美國作家珍·奧爾 於1980年出版的歷史小說,《石器時代傳奇》系列的第一部。 在舊石器時代晚期,尼安德塔人與克羅瑪儂人同時生存於歐洲,作者由此假想兩種人種彼此接觸的過程。故事敘述一個五歲的克羅瑪儂人女孩愛拉,因為地震災害失去親人,而被一個穴熊族部落收養。愛拉身為「異族」而備受歧視,但她仍然在困境中努力成長。 …

The second novel in the Earth's Children series, Jean M. Auel's internationally bestselling reconstruction of pre-historic life, when two kinds of human beings, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon, shared the earth. Forced to leave the Clan and her young son, Ayla sets out alone to travel the frigid steppes until she comes …

The Mammoth Hunters is an historical fiction novel by Jean M. Auel released in 1985. It is the sequel to The Valley of Horses and third in the Earth's Children series.

The Plains of Passage is an historical fiction novel by Jean M. Auel published in 1990. It is the sequel to The Mammoth Hunters and fourth in the Earth's Children series.

The Shelters of Stone is a historical fiction novel by Jean M. Auel published in April 2002. It is the sequel to The Plains of Passage – published 12 years earlier – and fifth in the Earth's Children series. It describes the return of Jondalar to his homeland along with Ayla.

The Land of Painted Caves is a historical fiction novel by Jean M. Auel published in March 2011. It is the sequel to The Shelters of Stone – published 9 years earlier – and is the sixth and final book in the Earth's Children series. It describes Ayla's life among the Zelandonii, and her training to become one of their …