《麦田里的守望者》为美国作家J.D.塞林格于1951年发表的长篇小说。这部有争议的作品原本是面向成年读者的,但迅速因其青春期焦虑和隔绝的主题而在青少年读者中流行。 该书以主人公霍尔顿·考尔菲德第一人称口吻讲述自己被学校开除学籍后在纽约城游荡将近两昼夜,企图逃出虚伪的成人世界、去寻求纯洁与真理的经历与感受。 …

The author writes: FRANNY came out in The New Yorker in 1955, and was swiftly followed, in 1957 by ZOOEY. Both stories are early, critical entries in a narrative series I'm doing about a family of settlers in twentieth-century New York, the Glasses. It is a long-term project, patently an ambiguous one, and there is a …