The Snowman is a novel by Norwegian crime-writer Jo Nesbø. It is the seventh entry in his Harry Hole series.

Kızılgerdan, Jo Nesbo'nun 2000 yılında, Türkiye'de 2010 yılında yayınlanan polisiye romanı. Roman, dedektif ve terfi alarak istihbarat teşkilatında müfettiş olan Harry Hole'un başından geçenleri anlatan bir polisiye kitabı-romanıdır.

The Devil's Star is a crime novel by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbø, the fifth in the Harry Hole series. An English-translated version of the book named The Devil's Star was translated by Don Bartlett. The story moves between two parallel themes – the appearance of a new serial killer terrorizing Oslo, and Harry Hole's …

Nemesis is a crime novel by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbø, the fourth in the Harry Hole series.

The Redeemer is a novel by popular Norwegian crime-writer Jo Nesbø, part of his Harry Hole series.

The Leopard is a crime novel by Norwegian novelist, Jo Nesbø. Its Norwegian title is Panserhjerte, which does not directly translate to The Leopard; it rather means something along the lines of "armoured heart". Moreover, "leopard" refers to the stealthy tread of the killer in the book, while "armoured heart" is what …

The Bat is a crime novel by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbø, the first in the Harry Hole series.