The Redbreast is a crime novel by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbø, the third in the Harry Hole series. The novel begins during former President Clinton's visit to Norway, where Harry reluctantly ends up playing an important role. Ramifications of the mission Harry is tasked with lead to him investigating neo-Nazi activity …
Police is a crime novel by Norwegian novelist, Jo Nesbø. It is the tenth novel in Nesbø's Harry Hole series.
Phantom is a crime novel by Norwegian novelist, Jo Nesbø. Its Norwegian title is Gjenferd, which does not directly translate to Phantom; rather it translates to a word similar to "ghosts". Phantom is the ninth novel featuring Nesbø's crime detective, Inspector Harry Hole.
The Redeemer is a novel by popular Norwegian crime-writer Jo Nesbø, part of his Harry Hole series.
The Leopard is a crime novel by Norwegian novelist, Jo Nesbø. Its Norwegian title is Panserhjerte, which does not directly translate to The Leopard; it rather means something along the lines of "armoured heart". Moreover, "leopard" refers to the stealthy tread of the killer in the book, while "armoured heart" is what …