Patnje mladog Werthera je roman koji je napisao J. W. von Goethe. Objavljen je 1774. Goethe je njime postigao zapažen uspjeh. Pisan je u epistolarnoj formi. Po ovom romanu, nastao je i izraz verterizam, koji označava pretjeranu sentimentalnost i romantičnost, emocionalnu prenaglašenost, modu oponašanja Wertherova …

Goetheov Faust je tragedija objavljena u dva dijela: Faust: der Tragödie erster Teil i Faust: der Tragödie zweiter Teil. Ova tragedija je sobna drama što znači da je radije namijenjena čitanju, a ne izvođenju. Najslavnije je Goetheovo djelo, a mnogi ga smatraju jednim od najvećih djela njemačke književnosti. Goethe je …

Elective Affinities, also translated under the title Kindred by Choice, is the third novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, published in 1809. The title is taken from a scientific term once used to describe the tendency of chemical species to combine with certain substances or species in preference to others. The novel …

The second part of Goethe's masterpiece opens with Faust struggling to recover from the death of his beloved Gretchen. The quick-witted demon Mephistopheles soon persuades him to look beyond his sorrow and enter the world of politics and power, but the great scholar is still eager for new sensations, and asks …

Patnje mladog Werthera je roman koji je napisao J. W. von Goethe. Objavljen je 1774. Goethe je njime postigao zapažen uspjeh. Pisan je u epistolarnoj formi. Po ovom romanu, nastao je i izraz verterizam, koji označava pretjeranu sentimentalnost i romantičnost, emocionalnu prenaglašenost, modu oponašanja Wertherova …

Iphigenia in Tauris is a reworking by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe of the ancient Greek tragedy Ἰφιγένεια ἐν Ταύροις by Euripides. Euripides' title means "Iphigenia among the Taurians", whereas Goethe's title means "Iphigenia in Taurica", the country of the Tauri. Goethe wrote the first version of his play in six weeks, …