The Tasmanian Babes Fiasco is a 1997 sequel novel by John Birmingham. It involves several prominent characters from the first novel, He Died With A Felafel In His Hand, primarily Taylor the Cabbie, Jabba the Hutt, Thunderbird Ron, Brainthrust Leonard, Missy, Elroy and Stacy. The first book is written in diary form …

«Последний удар» — третий и последний роман в жанре альтернативной истории трилогии «Ось времени» австралийского писателя-фантаста Джона Бирмингема. Книга является продолжением романа «Определённые …

Without Warning, is an alternate history novel written by Australian author John Birmingham, released in Australia in September 2008 and in the United States and the United Kingdom in February 2009. It is the first book in a new stand-alone universe. The novels After America and Angels of Vengeance continue the story.

He Died with a Felafel in His Hand is a novel by Australian author John Birmingham, first published in 1994 by The Yellow Press. The story consists of a collection of colourful anecdotes about living in share houses in Brisbane and other cities in Australia with variously dubious housemates. The title refers to a …

«Определённые цели» — второй роман в жанре альтернативной истории трилогии «Ось времени» австралийского писателя-фантаста Джона Бирмингема. Книга является продолжением романа «Предпочтительное …