image of John Brunner

John Brunner

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„Zanzibar” este o distopie aparținând Noului Val din science fiction, scrisă de John Brunner. Cartea a câștigat premiul Hugo pentru „cel mai bun roman” în 1969, la al 27-lea Worldcon, precum și premiul BSFA în același an și premiul Tour-Apollo în 1973.

... Unknown

The Squares of the City is a science fiction novel written by John Brunner and first published in 1965. It was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1966. It is a sociological story of urban class warfare and political intrigue, taking place in the fictional South American capital city of Vados. It explores …

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Players at the Game of People is a science fiction novel by John Brunner. It was first published in the United States by Nelson Doubleday in 1980.

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Timpuri nenumărate este o culegere care cuprinde trei povestiri de istorie alternativă ale lui John Brunner, adunate laolaltă și revizuite pentru a avea consistența unui roman.

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Muddle Earth is a science fiction novel by John Brunner. It was first published in the United States by Ballantine Del Rey Books in 1993. It tells the story of a man awakened from cryogenic suspension in a bizarre 24th century where Earth is a tourist attraction.

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