Verführerisch bunt, magisch und spannend! Juan Diego und seine stumme Schwester Lupe sind Müllkippenkinder in Mexiko. Ihre einzige Überlebenschance: der Glaube an die eigenen Wunderkräfte. Denn Juan Diego kann fliegen und Geschichten erfinden, Lupe sogar die Zukunft voraussagen, insbesondere die ihres Bruders. Um ihn …

Svet podľa Garpa je názov románu Johna Irvinga, ako aj filmu natočného podľa neho. Hneď po vydaní v roku 1978 sa kniha stala bestsellerom a spolu s Pravidlami muštárne a Hotelom New Hampshire je jedným z najznámejších Irvingových diel.

John Irving's third and perhaps darkest novel, The 158-Pound Marriage examines the sexual revolution-era trend of "swinging" via a glimpse into the lives of two couples in a small New England college town who enter casually into such an affair, with disastrous consequences.

First published in 1985, The Cider House Rules is John Irving's sixth novel. Set in rural Maine in the first half of this century, it tells the story of Dr. Wilbur Larch - saint and obstetrician, founder and director of the orphanage in the town of St. Cloud's, ether addict and abortionist. It is also the story of Dr. …

The Cider House Rules is a 1985 novel by John Irving. It is Irving's sixth published novel, and has been adapted into a film of the same name and a stage play by Peter Parnell.

The Fourth Hand is a 2001 novel written by American novelist John Irving. It is his 10th published novel.

"The first of my father's illusions was that bears could survive the life lived by human beings, and the second was that human beings could survive a life led in hotels."So says John Berry, son of a hapless dreamer, brother to a cadre of eccentric siblings, and chronicler of the lives lived, the loves experienced, the …

“The Imaginary Girlfriend is a miniature autobiography detailing Irving’s parallel careers of writing and wrestling. . . . Tales of encounters with writers (John Cheever, Nelson Algren, Kurt Vonnegut) are intertwined with those about his wrestling teammates and coaches. With humor and compassion, [Irving] details the …

Here is a treat for John Irving addicts and a perfect introduction to his work for the uninitiated. To open this spirited collection, Irving explains how he became a writer. There follow six scintillating stories written over the last twenty years ending with a homage to Charles Dickens. This irresistible collection …