image of John Katzenbach

John Katzenbach

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«Buon compleanno, dottore. Benvenuto nel primo giorno della tua morte. Hai rovinato la mia vita e io sono fermamente intenzionato a rovinare la tua.» È un terribile biglietto d'auguri quello che il dottor Frederick Starks, psicoanalista newyorkese, riceve il giorno in cui compie cinquantatré anni. Qualcuno lo ha …

... Unknown

Just Cause is a novel written by John Katzenbach.

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The Madman's Tale is a novel written by John Katzenbach. It was published and released in 2004.

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Scott Freeman is a man of reason–a college professor grounded in the rational and practical. But he becomes uneasy after finding an anonymous love letter hidden in his daughter’s room: “No one could ever love you like I do. No one ever will. We will be together forever. One way or another.” But the reality of Ashley’s …

... Unknown

When a retired academician witnesses a lovely young woman snatched off the street, he is unsatisfied by the police response and vows to find her on his own. She has been kidnapped and held prisoner by a married couple who have started an exclusive website, named What Comes Next,” on which viewers can watch, in real …