image of Джон Лок

Джон Лок

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Some Thoughts Concerning Education is a 1693 treatise on the education of gentlemen written by the English philosopher John Locke. For over a century, it was the most important philosophical work on education in England. It was translated into almost all of the major written European languages during the eighteenth …

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Писмо за толерантността е творба на Джон Лок, публикувана за пръв път през 1689 г. Първото издание е на латински език, но скоро след това е преведена на други езици. Публикуването на творбата на Лок идва в контекста на страхове, че католицизма ще завземе отново властта в Англия, и дава като решение на проблема с …

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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding is a work by John Locke concerning the foundation of human knowledge and understanding. It first appeared in 1689 with the printed title An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. He describes the mind at birth as a blank slate filled later through experience. The essay was one of …