Imorgon när kriget kom är den första delen i John Marsdens bokserie om ett framtida krig, skildrat genom ungdomar i Australien. I Sverige gavs boken ut på bokförlaget Bonnier Carlsen som numera har slutat trycka den.

War rages on! The second installment of the internationally bestselling Tomorrow series is even more action-packed than the first...A few months after the first fighter jets landed in their own backyard, Ellie and her five terrified but defiant friends struggle to survive amid a baffling conflict. Their families are …

Life in the war zone enters its sixth month of heart-stopping tension in the latest installment of the internationally bestselling Tomorrow series.In the third installment of the Tomorrow saga, the anything-to-survive existence of Ellie and her friends has sharpened their senses and emboldened their plans. They aren't …

Breven inifrån är en bok av John Marsden. Den handlar om två främlingar, Mandy och Tracey, som börjar skriva brev till varandra. Genom varje brev lär de känna varandra mer och mer. De fortsätter under en lång period och bildar starka vänskapsband.En dag kollar Mandy igenom alla breven hon fått från Tracey och …

So Much to Tell You is a young adult novel by Australian author John Marsden, first published in 1987. It was his debut book. It was instantly successful in Australia and the US, and has since been translated into nine languages and awarded many highly acclaimed literary awards including the Christopher Medal and the …