Теория на справедливостта е книга в областта на политическата философия и етика от Джон Ролс, която има значението на важно събитие. Тя е публикувана през 1971 и преиздадена с допълнения през 1975 и 1999. В Теория на справедливостта Ролс се опитва да реши проблема с дистрибутивната справедливост, като използва вариант …

Political Liberalism is a 1993 book by John Rawls, an update to his earlier A Theory of Justice, in which he attempts to show that his theory of justice is not a "comprehensive conception of the good", but is instead compatible with a liberal conception of the role of justice: namely, that government should be neutral …

The Law of Peoples is American philosopher John Rawls' work on international relations. First published in 1993 as a short article, in 1999 it was expanded and joined with another essay, "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited" to form a full length book. It is an attempt to show "how the content of a Law of Peoples …