image of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

... Unknown

Gospodar prstenova epski je fantastični roman kojeg je napisao engleski akademik i filolog J. R. R. Tolkien. Priča je započeta kao nastavak Tolkienovog ranijeg djela, Hobita, ali se razvila u mnogo veću i kompleksniju priču. Pisana je u fazama između 1937. i 1949. godine, a velik je njezin dio nastao tijekom Drugog …

... Unknown

The War of the Jewels is the 11th volume of Christopher Tolkien's series The History of Middle-earth, analysing the unpublished manuscripts of his father J. R. R. Tolkien. It is the second of two volumes — Morgoth's Ring being the first — to explore the later 1951 Silmarillion drafts. This volume includes: The second …

... Unknown

Bilbova Posljednja Pjesma je pjesma J.R.R. Tolkiena. Tolkien ju je, kao dar, dao svome tajniku Joyu Hillu 1966. Nakon Tolkienove smrti 1973 Hill je pokazao pjesmu Donaldu Swannu, kojemu se toliko svidjela da ju je uglazbio i uvrstio u drugo izdanje "The Road Goes Ever On" 1978. Pjesmu je ilustrirala Pauline Baynes i …

... Unknown

The Peoples of Middle-earth is the 12th and final volume of The History of Middle-earth, edited by Christopher Tolkien from the unpublished manuscripts of his father J. R. R. Tolkien. Some characters only appear here. So too do a few other works that did not fit anywhere else.

... Unknown

Morgoth's Ring is the tenth volume of Christopher Tolkien's 12-volume series The History of Middle-earth in which he analyses the unpublished manuscripts of his father J. R. R. Tolkien. This volume, along with the subsequent The War of the Jewels, provides detailed writings and editorial commentary pertaining to J. R. …

... Unknown

The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún is a previously unpublished work by J.R.R. Tolkien, written while Tolkien was Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford during the 1920s and ‘30s, before he wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It makes available for the first time Tolkien’s extensive retelling in English narrative …

... Unknown

Smith of Wootton Major, first published in 1967, is a novella by J. R. R. Tolkien.

... Unknown

Pripovijesti iz opasnih predjela je zbirka manje poznatih djela J. R. R. Tolkiena. Zbirku je bez olustracija 1997. godine objavila izdavačka kuća HarperCollins. Godine 2002. zbirka je izdana na hrvatskom jeziku s ilustracijama Igora Kordeja. Prošireno englesko izdanje s ilustracijama Alana Leeja izašlo je 2008. …

... Unknown