In his only work of political satire, The Short Reign of Pippin IV, John Steinbeck turns the French Revolution upside down as amateur astronomer Pippin Héristal is drafted to rule the unruly French. Steinbeck creates around the infamous Pippin the most hilarious royal court ever: Pippin’s wife, Queen Marie, who might …

In the 1670s Henry Morgan, a pirate and outlaw of legendary viciousness, ruled the Spanish Main. He ravaged the coasts of Cuba and America, striking terror wherever he went. Morgan was obsessive. He had two driving ambitions: one to possess the beautiful woman called La Santa Roja, the other, to conquer Panama, the …

The Pastures of Heaven is a short story cycle by John Steinbeck, first published in 1932, consisting of twelve interconnected stories about a valley, the Corral de Tierra, in Monterey, California, which was discovered by a Spanish corporal while chasing runaway Indian slaves. Enchanted by the valley's natural beauty, …

The Long Valley is a collection of short stories written by the American author John Steinbeck. The collection was first published in 1938. It comprises 12 short stories. The short stories were written over several years and are set in Steinbeck's birthplace, the Salinas Valley in California. They include the …

The Log from the Sea of Cortez is an English-language book written by American author John Steinbeck and published in 1951. It details a six-week marine specimen-collecting boat expedition he made in 1940 at various sites in the Gulf of California, with his friend, the marine biologist Ed Ricketts. It is regarded as …

Ancient pagan beliefs, the great Greek epics, and the Bible all inform this extraordinary novel by Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck, which occupied him for more than five difficult years. While fulfilling his dead father’s dream of creating a prosperous farm in California, Joseph Wayne comes to believe that a …

Myszy i ludzie – powieść amerykańskiego pisarza i noblisty Johna Steinbecka. Została opublikowana w 1937 roku. Opowiada historię dwóch przyjaciół, George’a i Lenniego, którzy podczas wielkiego kryzysu w latach 30. XX wieku, próbują zarobić na życie tułając się od rancza do rancza. Jedno z najbardziej popularnych dzieł …

Autobus do San Juan – powieść Johna Steinbecka z 1947 roku. Bohaterami są pasażerowie autobusu jadącego bocznymi drogami Kalifornii z Rebel Corners do San Juan de la Cruz.

The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights is John Steinbeck's retelling of the Arthurian legend, based on the Winchester Manuscript text of Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur. He began his adaptation in November 1956. Steinbeck had long been a lover of the Arthurian legends. The introduction to his translation …