America and Americans is a 1966 collection of John Steinbeck's journalism, including the title piece. This was Steinbeck's last book.

A Russian Journal, published by John Steinbeck in 1948, is an eyewitness account of his travels through the Soviet Union during the early years of the Cold War era. Accompanied by the distinguished war photographer Robert Capa, Steinbeck set out with the intent to record the real attitudes and modes of existence of …

La perla è un romanzo dello scrittore statunitense John Steinbeck pubblicato nel 1947, e in lingua italiana l'anno successivo presso Bompiani. La storia narra di Kino, un povero pescatore indio, che riesce a prendere una perla dal fondo marino che dapprima rappresenterà il simbolo della Fortuna e poi del Male.

Burning Bright is a 1950 novella by John Steinbeck written as an experiment with producing a play in novel format. Rather than providing only the dialogue and brief stage directions as would be expected in a play, Steinbeck fleshes out the scenes with details of both the characters and the environment. The intention …

Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters is a series of letters written by John Steinbeck to his friend and editor Pascal Covici, in parallel with the first draft of his longest novel. The letters were written between January, 29- October 31, 1951. They were not meant for publication, but an edited version was …

C'era una volta una guerra - Cronache della seconda guerra mondiale è una raccolta di articoli di giornale comparsi sul New York Herald Tribune tra giugno e dicembre 1943 scritti dall'autore stesso, John Steinbeck, il quale in quel periodo lavorava come corrispondente di guerra in Europa per il quotidiano newyorkese. …