image of جون ستاينبيك

جون ستاينبيك

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In Dubious Battle is a novel by John Steinbeck, written in 1936. The central figure of the story is an activist for "the Party" who is organizing a major strike by fruit pickers, seeking thus to attract followers to his cause. Prior to publication, Steinbeck wrote in a letter: This is the first time I have felt that I …

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Sweet Thursday is a 1954 novel by John Steinbeck. It is a sequel to Cannery Row and set in the years after the end of World War II. According to the author, "Sweet Thursday" is the day between Lousy Wednesday and Waiting Friday.

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في مغيب القمر أو أفول القمر رواية شهيرة لجون شتاينبيك. وتتحدث عن سيطرة ألمانيا النازية على قرية نرويجية صغيرة خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية. اعتبرت القصة عند ظهورها أقوى قصة كتبت أثناء الحرب لتستحث البلدان الديمقراطية على التصدي للنازية. ترمز الرواية إلى قوة الشعب في مقاومة الاحتلال وتؤكد حرية الفرد وكرامته في ظل الوعي …

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Raised on a ranch in northern California, Jody is well-schooled in the hard work and demands of a rancher's life. He is used to the way of horses, too; but nothing has prepared him for the special connection he will forge with Gabilan, the hot-tempered pony his father gives him. With Billy Buck, the hired hand, Jody …

... Unknown

رواية شتاء السخط winter of our discontent للكاتب الامريكي جون شتاينبك كتبها عام 1961 . العنوان مأخوذ من نص من سطرين ل شكسبير

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Adopting the structure and themes of the Arthurian legend, John Steinbeck created a “Camelot” on a shabby hillside above the town of Monterey, California, and peopled it with a colorful band of knights. At the center of the tale is Danny, whose house, like Arthur’s castle, becomes a gathering place for men looking for …

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To hear the speech of the real America, to smell the grass and the trees, to see the colors and the light—these were John Steinbeck's goals as he set out, at the age of fifty-eight, to rediscover the country he had been writing about for so many years. With Charley, his French poodle, Steinbeck drives the interstates …

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شارع السردين المعلب رواية للكاتب الأمريكي جون ستاينبيك صدرت عام 1945. يصف الكاتب فيها حياة ومعاناة العمال في معامل تعليب السردين في مدينة مونتيري. تم عرض الرواية كفيلم عام 1982 وعلى المسرح تم عرضها عام …

... Unknown

اللؤلؤة هي رواية للكاتب جون ستاينبيك

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FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. The biblical account of Cain and Abel is echoed in the history of two generations of the Trask family in California.