America and Americans is a 1966 collection of John Steinbeck's journalism, including the title piece. This was Steinbeck's last book.

America and Americans is a 1966 collection of John Steinbeck's journalism, including the title piece. This was Steinbeck's last book.

Bombs Away: The Story of a Bomber Team is a non fiction book by the American author John Steinbeck. It was written in 1942 and published by Viking Press. The book is an account of Steinbeck's experiences with several Bomber crews of the US Army Air Forces during the Second World War. On accepting the brief for Bombs …

Burning Bright is a 1950 novella by John Steinbeck written as an experiment with producing a play in novel format. Rather than providing only the dialogue and brief stage directions as would be expected in a play, Steinbeck fleshes out the scenes with details of both the characters and the environment. The intention …

Published in 1945, Cannery Row focuses on the acceptance of life as it is: both the exuberance of community and the loneliness of the individual. Drawing on his memories of the real inhabitants of Monterey, California, including longtime friend Ed Ricketts, Steinbeck interweaves the stories of Doc, Dora, Mack and his …