Published in 1859, John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty presented one of the most eloquent defenses of individual freedom in nineteenth-century social and political philosophy and is today perhaps the most widely-read liberal argument in support of the value of liberty. Mill’s passionate advocacy of spontaneity, …

Ο Ωφελιμισμός είναι ο τίτλος ενός έργου του Βρετανού φιλοσόφου Τζον Στιούαρτ Μιλ, που δημοσιεύτηκε για πρώτη φορά το 1861. Στο έργο αυτό, ο Μιλ αναλύει τη δική του εκδοχή περί του ωφελιμισμού και αποδομεί τα επιχειρήματα που είχαν διατυπωθεί εναντίον του. Θεωρείται ένα από τα σημαντικότερα κείμενα στην ιστορία της …

On Liberty has become celebrated as the most powerful defence of the freedom of the individual, and is now widely regarded as the most important theoretical foundation for Liberalism as a political creed. The Subjection of Women is a powerful indictment of the political, social, and economic position of women. This …

The Subjection of Women is the title of an essay written by John Stuart Mill in 1869, possibly jointly with his wife Harriet Taylor Mill, stating an argument in favour of equality between the sexes. At the time it was published in 1869, this essay was an affront to European conventional norms for the status of men and …