I became aware that there was a force: that I was being moved, and that spacelessness had, therefore, ceased, too.
For the ten short stories collected here, John Wyndham turns his imagination to, among other sujects, body-snatching, time-travel and mind-travel, and the the tricky business of interplanetary colonization.
At first they thought that Matthew was just goining through a phase of talking to himself. And like many parents, they waited for him to grow out of it. But as time passed it became worse, not better. Matthew's conversations with himself grew more and more intense. It was like listening to one end of a telephone …
«Кракен Пробуждается» — научно-фантастический роман английского писателя Джона Уиндема, затрагивающий тему инопланетного вторжения. Впервые напечатан в июле 1953 года в Великобритании издательством Penguin Group. Это второй роман писателя, написанный под псевдонимом «Джон …
The Midwich Cuckoos is a science fiction novel written by English author John Wyndham, published during 1957. It has been filmed twice as Village of the Damned, with releases during 1960 and 1995.
«Хризалиды» — научно-фантастический роман Джона Уиндема, вышедший в 1955 году. На русском языке был впервые издан в номерах 4-7 журнала «Смена» 1987 года в переводе Ф. Сарнова, под названием «Отклонение от нормы». Написан в типичной манере автора и по мнению некоторых критиков даже является лучшим романом Уиндема. …