image of John Wyndham

John Wyndham

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I became aware that there was a force: that I was being moved, and that spacelessness had, therefore, ceased, too.

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For the ten short stories collected here, John Wyndham turns his imagination to, among other sujects, body-snatching, time-travel and mind-travel, and the the tricky business of interplanetary colonization.

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Trouble with Lichen is a science fiction novel by John Wyndham.

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At first they thought that Matthew was just goining through a phase of talking to himself. And like many parents, they waited for him to grow out of it. But as time passed it became worse, not better. Matthew's conversations with himself grew more and more intense. It was like listening to one end of a telephone …

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The Kraken Wakes is an apocalyptic science fiction novel by John Wyndham, originally published by Michael Joseph in the United Kingdom in 1953, and first published in the United States in the same year by Ballantine Books under the title Out of the Deeps as a mass market paperback. The title is a reference to Alfred …

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Le Village des damnés est un roman de science-fiction écrit par John Wyndham, publié en 1957. Le titre original français était Les Coucous de Midwich.

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Les Transformés est un roman d'anticipation écrit par John Wyndham, publié en 1955. Initialement intitulé Re-Birth, le roman a été republié plus tard sous le titre The Chrysalids.

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Le Jour des Triffides est un roman de science-fiction de l'écrivain britannique John Wyndham paru en 1951. Ce roman fut publié en français sous différents titres comme La Révolte des Triffides ou Les Triffides, avant de trouver son titre définitif en 2004.