image of John le Carré

John le Carré

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Smiley's People is een Britse speelfilm uit 1982, geregisseerd door Simon Langton. De film is gebaseerd op de roman Smiley's People van John le Carré.

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Single & Single is a novel by John le Carré. It is the story of a British Customs and Excise officer on the trail of elusive fraudster Tiger Single. Helped by Tiger's son Oliver, Brock of Customs and Excise unravels the mystery of an international money-laundering operation.

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Our Kind of Traitor is a novel published in 2010 by the British novelist John le Carré about a Russian money launderer seeking to defect to the UK after a close friend of his had been killed by the new leadership of his own criminal brotherhood.

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Our Kind of Traitor is a novel published in 2010 by the British novelist John le Carré about a Russian money launderer seeking to defect to the UK after a close friend of his had been killed by the new leadership of his own criminal brotherhood.