Bones of the Moon is a novel by Jonathan Carroll, depicting the real and dream life of a young woman, Cullen James. Like many of Carroll's works, this work straddles the horror and fantasy genres.
Kraina Chichów – debiutancka powieść z gatunku urban fantasy amerykańskiego pisarza Jonathana Carrolla. Opublikowana w 1980 r. przez Viking Press; polskie wydanie, w tłumaczeniu Jolanty Kozak, ukazało się początkowo w miesięczniku Fantastyka, a w formie książkowej w 1990 r., zostało wydane przez oficynę Książka i …
Outside the Dog Museum is a novel by the American writer Jonathan Carroll, published in 2005. It tells the story of Harry Radcliffe, a successful architect commissioned to design a Dog Museum for the wealthy Sultan of Saru. In the process, he finds a magical new world.
From the Teeth of Angels is a novel by the American writer Jonathan Carroll, first published in 1994. It tells the story of three interconnected fates. The question of death is being discussed in this novel.