Oskar, 9 ans, est surdoué, ultrasensible, fou d'astrophysique, fan des Beatles et collectionneur de cactées miniatures. Son père est mort dans les attentats du World Trade Center en lui laissant une clé. Persuadé qu'elle expliquera cette disparition injuste, le jeune garçon recherche la serrure qui lui correspond. Sa …

Tout est illuminé est le premier roman de l'écrivain juif-américain Jonathan Safran Foer. Publié dans sa langue originale en 2002 chez Houghton Mifflin, il est traduit en français l'année suivante, en 2003, par Jacqueline Huet et Jean-Pierre Carasso et publié aux éditions de l'Olivier. Le livre est adapté au cinéma en …

Jonathan Safran Foer spent much of his teenage and college years oscillating between omnivore and vegetarian. But on the brink of fatherhood-facing the prospect of having to make dietary choices on a child's behalf-his casual questioning took on an urgency His quest for answers ultimately required him to visit factory …

Presents a collection of hypothetical and satirical terms and phrases that may be sometime in the future, when the Bush administration is not in power.

Tree of Codes is a haunting new story by best-selling American writer, Jonathan Safran Foer. With a different die-cut on every page, Tree of Codes explores previously unchartered literary territory. Initially deemed impossible to make, the book is a first as much a sculptural object as it is a work of masterful …

Jonathan Safran Foer is back (after eleven years) and may be better than ever. While Everything Is Illuminated remains one of my favorite books, Here I Am will also be added to the list. Classic JSF with a powerfully personal touch, this novel will make you laugh, challenge your perceptions, and truly just impress. …

Jonathan Safran Foer presents a new edition of the sacred Jewish Haggadah Read each year around the Seder table, the Haggadah recounts through prayer and song the extraordinary story of Exodus, when Moses led the ancient Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to wander through the desert for forty years before reaching …