『さかしま』は、フランスの作家ジョリス=カルル・ユイスマンスによる小説。1884年に刊行され、象徴主義、デカダンスの作品としてポール・ヴァレリーやオスカー・ワイルドなどに影響を与えた。「さかしま」は「逆さま」「道理にそむくこと」といった意味。「デカダンスの聖書」とも評される。 …

Joris-Karl Huysmans' shocking novel of an innocent's descent into a world of depraved, blasphemous rituals Durtal, a shy, censorious man, is writing a biography of Gilles de Rais, the monstrous fifteenth-century child-murderer thought to be the original for 'Bluebeard'. Bored and disgusted by the vulgarity of everyday …

En route is a novel by the French writer Joris-Karl Huysmans, first published in 1895. It is the second of Huysmans' books to feature the character Durtal, a thinly disguised portrait of the author himself. Durtal had already appeared in Là-bas, investigating Satanism. En route and the two subsequent two novels, La …

The Cathedral is a novel by the French writer Joris-Karl Huysmans. A revised English edition was published in 2011. It is the third of Huysmans' books to feature the character Durtal, a thinly disguised portrait of the author. He had already featured the character of Durtal in Là-bas and En route, which recounted his …