L'Aveuglement est un roman de l'écrivain portugais et prix Nobel de littérature José Saramago. Il est paru en 1995 et aborde les conséquences de la cécité de l'ensemble de l'humanité. Ce roman a été adapté au cinéma en 2008 pour le film Blindness de Fernando Meirelles.
L'Évangile selon Jésus-Christ est un roman de l'écrivain portugais et prix Nobel de littérature José Saramago, paru en 1991. C'est une relecture iconoclaste des évangiles en les écrivant depuis le point de vue de Jésus Christ. Le livre suit la chronologie des évangiles, néanmoins l'enfance et l'adolescence de Jésus y …
An old potter, his daughter and her son-in-law, after a crisis in the artisan industry, undertake a new strategy in their sales then of them depend not to be absorbed by the great city that grow excessive near its rustic town simultaneously, martial, the son-in-law, employee like permanent watchman of the commercial …
"The Tale of the Unknown Island" is a short story by Portuguese author José Saramago. It was published in Portuguese in 1997, and English in 1999.
Le Dieu manchot est un roman historique de l'écrivain portugais José Saramago paru en 1982.
Le Voyage de l'éléphant est un roman historique de l'écrivain portugais José Saramago paru en 2008.
The Stone Raft is a novel by Nobel Prize in Literature-winning Portuguese writer José Saramago. It was written in 1986, and was translated into English in 1994. The basic premise of the novel is that the Iberian Peninsula has broken off the European continent and is floating freely in the Atlantic Ocean; bureaucrats …
«No dia seguinte ninguém morreu». Que a morte tem as suas extravagancias, já todos nós sabíamos. Mas que se cansasse de exercer a sua principal actividade, nunca nos passou pela cabeça! Imagine que, de um momento para o outro, num certo país, as pessoas deixam de morrer. Estarão os líderes e os habitantes desse país …