De stad der blinden is een roman van de Portugese schrijver en Nobelprijswinnaar José Saramago. Het verhaal beschrijft een massale reactie van de mensheid op een fenomeen waarin het plotseling het vermogen te zien wordt ontnomen en hoe beschaafde mensen in noodsituaties kunnen degenereren tot dierlijk gedrag. Het boek …

Senhor José is a low-grade clerk in the city's Central Registry, where the living and the dead share the same shelf space. A middle-aged bachelor, he has no interest in anything beyond the certificates of birth, marriage, divorce, and death that are his daily routine. But one day, when he comes across the records of …

Death with Interruptions, published in Britain as Death at Intervals, is a novel written by José Saramago. First released in 2005 in its original Portuguese, the novel was translated into English by Margaret Jull Costa in 2008. The novel centers around death as both a phenomenon, and as an anthropomorphized character. …

The Gospel According to Jesus Christ is a novel by the Portuguese author José Saramago. A fictional re-telling of Jesus Christ's life, it depicts him as a flawed, humanised character with passions and doubts. The novel garnered controversy with some critics, especially among the Roman Catholic Church, accusing …

De stad der zienden is een roman van de Portugese Nobelprijswinnaar José Saramago. De oorspronkelijke titel is Ensaio sobre a Lucidez. Bij gemeenteraadsverkiezingen in een niet nader genoemd land stemmen in de hoofdstad 83% van de kiezers blanco. De machthebbers geraken in paniek. In zijn bekende stijl slaagt Saramago …

An old potter, his daughter and her son-in-law, after a crisis in the artisan industry, undertake a new strategy in their sales then of them depend not to be absorbed by the great city that grow excessive near its rustic town simultaneously, martial, the son-in-law, employee like permanent watchman of the commercial …

The inspiration for the major motion picture "Enemy" starring Jake Gyllenhaal and directed by Denis Villeneuve Tertuliano Máximo Afonso is a divorced, depressed history teacher. To lift his spirits, a colleague suggests he rent a certain video. Tertuliano watches the film, unimpressed. But during the night, when he is …

When King and Church exercise absolute power what happens to the dreams of ordinary people? In early eighteenth century Lisbon, Baltasar, a soldier who has lost a hand in battle, falls in love with Blimunda, a young girl with visionary powers. From the day that he follows her home from the auto-da-fe where her mother …

The Stone Raft is a novel by Nobel Prize in Literature-winning Portuguese writer José Saramago. It was written in 1986, and was translated into English in 1994. The basic premise of the novel is that the Iberian Peninsula has broken off the European continent and is floating freely in the Atlantic Ocean; bureaucrats …

The History of the Siege of Lisbon is a novel by Portuguese author José Saramago, first published in 1989. It tells the story of a proofreader and the story of the Siege of Lisbon as it both is and is not told in the book he is charged with correcting. It discusses many themes including language, history and …