The Hero with a Thousand Faces és un llibre publicat el 1949 pel mitògraf nord-americà Joseph Campbell que tracta el tema del viatge de l'heroi, un patró narratiu que s'ha trobat en les històries i llegendes populars. Segons Campbell, l'heroi sol passar a través de cicles o aventures similars en totes les cultures, …

A brilliant evocation of the noted scholar's teachings on mythology. Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers offer a brilliant combination of wisdom and wit in conversations that range from modern marriage to virgin births, from saviors to heroes in the Power of Myth--a great summing up of Campbell's works.

In his first three volumes of the Masks of GodI-IV series Joseph Campbell discusses and explores mythology in a manner most people would be familiar with. However, in Creative Mythology he adds a new dimension. In his introduction he writes: “In the context of traditional mythology, the symbols are presented in …