image of Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad

... Unknown

El cor de les tenebres és una novel·la curta de Joseph Conrad. Es va publicar al principi per capítols el 1899, i en forma de llibre el 1902. La novel·la està ambientada a l'Àfrica, i està inspirada en els sis mesos que l'escriptor va passar al Congo colonitzat pel rei Leopold II de Bèlgica. És, potser, l'obra més …

... Unknown
... Unknown

"Youth" is an autobiographical short story by Joseph Conrad. Written in 1898, it was first published in Blackwood's Magazine, and included as the first story in the 1902 volume Youth, a Narrative, and Two Other Stories. This volume also includes Heart of Darkness and The End of the Tether, stories concerned with the …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Victory is a psychological novel by Joseph Conrad first published in 1915, through which Conrad achieved "popular success." The New York Times, however, called it "an uneven book" and "more open to criticism than most of Mr. Conrad's best work." The novel's "most striking formal characteristic is its shifting …