image of Joseph Heller

Joseph Heller

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God Knows is a tragicomedic novel written by Joseph Heller and published in 1984. It is narrated by the Biblical King David of Israel, and purports to be his deathbed memoirs; however, this David does not recount his life in a straightforward fashion, and the storyline is often hilariously fractured. Indeed, it is …

... Unknown

Good as Gold is a 1979 novel by Joseph Heller.

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Closing Time is a 1994 novel by Joseph Heller, written as a sequel to the popular Catch-22. It takes place in New York City in the 1990s, and revisits some characters of the original, including Yossarian, Milo Minderbinder and Chaplain Tappman. The book has two stories that are interwoven throughout – that of …

... Unknown

Something Happened is Joseph Heller's second novel. Its main character and narrator is Bob Slocum, a businessman who engages in a stream of consciousness narrative about his job, his family, his childhood, his sexual escapades, and his own psyche. While there is an ongoing plot about Slocum preparing for a promotion …

... Unknown

Kvaka 22 američki je satirični ratni roman pisca Josepha Hellera, prvi put objavljen 1961. Roman, smješten tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata od 1943. pa nadalje, se često spominje kao jedno od velikih djela književnosti 20. stoljeća Roman slijedi Yossariana, bombardera ratnog zrakoplovstva, te mnoge druge likove, koji su …