A Marcha Radetzky foi escrita por Joseph Roth e narra o declínio e queda do Império Austro-Húngaro através da história da família Trotta. Radetzkymarsch é um dos primeiros romances que apresenta a recorrente participação ficcionada de uma figura histórica, neste caso o Imperador Francisco José I da Áustria. Roth …

Numa cidadezinha russa do início do século XX vivia um judeu muito simples e religioso. Seu nome era Mendel Singer. Homem comum, modesto e temente a Deus, Mendel exercia o ofício de professor, transmitindo os ensinamentos da Bíblia às crianças. Com a mulher, Débora, teve três filhos: Jonas, Schemariah e Miriam. Mas o …

The Legend of the Holy Drinker is a 1939 novella by the Austrian writer Joseph Roth, published posthumously by Allert de Lange Verlag in Amsterdam. It tells a story about an alcohol addict, Andreas, who wants to return money he has borrowed, but fails because he spends all of his money on alcohol.

The Emperor's Tomb is a 1938 novel by the Austrian writer Joseph Roth. The Overlook Press published an English translation by John Hoare in 1984. The novel was adapted into the 1971 film Trotta directed by Johannes Schaaf. New Directions Publishing Corporation published a new translation by Michael Hoffman in 2013. …

Confession of a Murderer details the interior life of a man consumed by jealousy and hatred. In a Russian restaurant on Paris's Left Bank, Russian exile Golubchik alternately fascinates and horrifies a rapt audience with a wild story of collaboration, deception, and murder in the days leading up to the Russian …

Hotel Savoy is a 1924 novel by the Austrian writer Joseph Roth. Its story is set in the Hotel Savoy in Łódź, where lonely war veterans, variety dancers and others dream of better places.

Rebellion is a 1924 novel by the Austrian writer Joseph Roth. It tells the story of a war veteran who has become a street musician after losing one leg. The novel was published in the newspaper Vorwärts from 27 July to 29 August 1924. It has been adapted for television twice: in 1962 by Wolfgang Staudte, and in 1993 …