Geared towards National Curriculum Key Stage 1, a volume in the WHEN IT'S HARD TO - series which looks at what life is like for someone who is deaf or hard of hearing, illustrated with individual true stories. Published in association with Heathfields School for the Deaf.
Geared towards National Curriculum Key Stage 1, a volume in the WHEN IT'S HARD TO - series which looks at what life is like for someone with learning difficulties, illustrated with individual true stories. Published in association with MENCAP.
Part of the WHEN ITS HARD TO - series, a text in which people discuss their disabilities, revealing that they too, have likes and dislikes just like everyone else. Also looks at some of the aids and equipment used by disabled people to lead full lives. For National Curriculum Key Stage 2.
Part of the WHEN IT'S HARD TO series, a look at the lives of people who have disabilities which cause them difficulty in seeing, with interviews and photographs, and consideration of how disabled people have similar likes, dislikes and ambitions to other people. Suitable for Key Stage 1.