Fudge-a-Mania is a 1990 children's novel by Judy Blume and the third in the Fudge series.

Double Fudge is a 2002 children's novel by Judy Blume and the fourth and final in the Fudge series. The Hatcher family goes to Washington, D.C. where they spend time with their extended family, and Fudge finds out that his cousin is also named Farley Drexel Hatcher. His interest in money is a common theme throughout …

Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself is a 1977 young adult novel by Judy Blume. The story is set in 1947 and follows the imaginative 10-year-old Sally, who likes to make up stories in her head, when her family moves from New Jersey to Miami Beach. While not as controversial as some of her other novels, Blume does …

Tiger Eyes is a young adult novel written by Judy Blume in 1981 about a 15-year-old girl attempting to cope with the unexpected death of her father. In 2012, the novel was adapted into a film of the same name, directed by Judy's son, Lawrence Blume and starring Willa Holland as Davey Wexler.

Nicky has freckles—they cover his face, his ears, and the whole back of his neck. Sitting behind him in class, Andrew once counted eighty-six of them, and that was just a start! If Andrew had freckles like Nicky, his mother would never know if his neck was dirty.One day after school, Andrew works up enough courage to …

Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great is a children's novel by Judy Blume, first published in 1972.

Blubber is a good name for her, the note from Wendy says about Linda. Jill crumples it up and leaves it on the corner of her desk. She doesn't want to think about Linda or her dumb report on the whale just now. Jill wants to think about Halloween.But Robby grabs the note, and before Linda stops talking it has gone …

Part of the classic Fudge series from Judy Blume, bestselling author of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing!Farley Drexel Hatcher—otherwise known as Fudge—thinks he’s a superhero, but his older brother, Peter, knows Fudge is nothing but a big pain! Dealing with Fudge is hard enough, but now Peter’s parents have decided to …