Master of the World, published in 1904, is one of the last novels by French pioneer science fiction writer, Jules Verne. It is a sequel to Robur the Conqueror. At the time Verne wrote the novel, his health was failing. Master of the World is a "black novel," filled with foreboding and fear of the rise of tyrants such …
Maják na konci sveta je prvý posmrtne vydaný dobrodružný román francúzskeho spisovateľa Julesa Verna zaradený do jeho cyklu Podivuhodné cesty. Verne rozpísal tento román roku 1901 a príležitostne na ňom pracoval až do roku 1903. Nakladateľ Hetzel prejavil o jeho vydanie záujem tesne pred autorovou smrťou roku 1905, …
Mathias Sandorf was an 1885 adventure book by French writer Jules Verne. It was first serialized in Le Temps in 1885, and it was Verne's epic Mediterranean adventure. It employs many of the devices that had served well in his earlier novels: islands, cryptograms, surprise revelations of identity, technically advanced …