As boys, George, the son of a Midlands vicar, and Arthur, living in shabby genteel Edinburgh, find themselves in a vast and complex world at the heart of the British Empire. Years later—one struggling with his identity in a world hostile to his ancestry, the other creating the world’s most famous detective while in …

This is one of the defining novels of English writer Julian Barnes. An entertaining melange of stories starting with a contemporary account of the launch of Noah's Ark takes us into unexpected areas of human foibles, activities and tendencies. After success with the main novels of Haruki Murakami, Naxos AudioBooks …

Le Perroquet de Flaubert est le titre français du roman de Julian Barnes qui est paru sous le titre original de Flaubert's Parrot en 1984, et pour lequel Barnes se vit sélectionné pour le Booker Prize la même année et gagna le Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize l'année suivante. En France, il remporta le prix Médicis essai …

England, England is a satirical postmodern novel by Julian Barnes, published and shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1998. While researchers have also pointed out the novel's characteristic dystopian and farcical elements, Barnes himself described the novel as a 'semi-farce'. England, England broaches the idea of …

Love, etc. est un roman de l'écrivain britannique Julian Barnes paru originellement en 1991 et en français en octobre 1992 aux éditions Denoël. Il a reçu le prix Femina étranger en 1992.

Love, etc is a novel by Julian Barnes published in 2000, although it is also the title of a French film based on his earlier novel Talking it Over.

Metroland is an English novel written by Julian Barnes and published in 1980. Philip Larkin wrote a letter to Barnes saying "that he had much enjoyed it, despite his prejudice against novels with people under the age of 21 in them. He added, gloomily, something like, 'but is that what life's like nowadays?'" Barnes …

Je ne crois pas en Dieu, mais il me manque. C'est ce que je dis quand la question est posée. J'ai demandé à mon frère, qui a enseigné la philosophie à Oxford, à Genève et à la Sorbonne, ce qu'il pensait d'une telle assertion, sans révéler que c'était la mienne. Il a répondu par un seul mot : «Guimauve.»«Guimauve»... …

Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2011 Graham Hendrick, an historian, has left his wife Barbara for the vivacious Ann, and is more than pleased with his new life. Until, that is, the day he discovers Ann's celluloid past as a mediocre film actress. Soon Graham is pouncing on old clues, examining her books for …