Love, etc is a novel by Julian Barnes published in 2000, although it is also the title of a French film based on his earlier novel Talking it Over.

As boys, George, the son of a Midlands vicar, and Arthur, living in shabby genteel Edinburgh, find themselves in a vast and complex world at the heart of the British Empire. Years later—one struggling with his identity in a world hostile to his ancestry, the other creating the world’s most famous detective while in …

Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2011 Graham Hendrick, an historian, has left his wife Barbara for the vivacious Ann, and is more than pleased with his new life. Until, that is, the day he discovers Ann's celluloid past as a mediocre film actress. Soon Graham is pouncing on old clues, examining her books for …

England, England è un romanzo di Julian Barnes del 1998, finalista al Booker Prize dello stesso anno. Il romanzo esplora l'idea di replicare l'Inghilterra in un parco a tema sull'Isola di Wight. Analizza le questioni dell'identità nazionale, l'invenzione della tradizione, la creazione dei miti e l'autenticità della …