The Modern Antiquarian: A Pre-Millennial Odyssey Through Megalithic Britain is a book written by Julian Cope, published in 1998. It explores a number of sites of Britain's megalithic heritage, including Stonehenge and Avebury. As well as stone circles, The Modern Antiquarian includes other megalithic monuments, hill …

The Megalithic European : The 21st Century Traveller in Prehistoric Europe is Julian Cope's second book on historic sites, this time looking at continental Europe and Ireland. Like its predecessor - The Modern Antiquarian - the book is split into a shorter, discursive introduction with the bulk of the text being a …

Japrocksampler: How the Post-war Japanese Blew Their Minds on Rock 'n' Roll, was written by author and musician Julian Cope and published by Bloomsbury on 3 September 2007. This 304-page hardcover book is a companion piece to his 1995 book on Krautrock, Krautrocksampler, and covers in extensive detail the post-war …