קלאס הוא ספרו עטור הפרסים של הסופר הארגנטינאי חוליו קורטאסר, שראה אור בבואנוס איירס ב-1963. הספר תורגם לעשרות שפות.

Cronopios and Famas is one of the best-loved books by Julio Cortázar, one of the greatest of Latin American novelists. "The Instruction Manual," the first chapter, is an absurd assortment of tasks and items dissected in an instruction-manual format. "Unusual Occupations," the second chapter, describes the obsessions …

Bestiario is a book of 8 short stories written by Julio Cortázar. All the stories were translated in English by Paul Blackburn and included in the collection End of the Game and Other Stories. The "Cefalea" was translated in English by Michael Cisco in 2014 and published online by tor.com.

En este libro, Cortazar ofrece a sus lectores artefactos sutiles, perfectos y desmontables que apelan en igual medida a la sensibilidad estetica, la suspicacia linguistica y la inteligencia descifradora. Son relatos escritos en los bordes del azar y el ajedrez, de la logica y del coup de des, que apuntan a descubrir …

The Argentine writer Julio Cortázar, called by Carlos Fuentes the Simon Bolivar of the Latin American novel, was one of the scintillating geniuses of twentieth-century literature—a writer of sly wit and immense sophistication with a keen eye for character and the workings of social life. The Winners is the story of a …

Las armas secretas is a book of 5 short stories written by Julio Cortázar. All of the stories appear in translation in the volume Blow-up and Other Stories; one story, "Cartas de Mamá," has never been translated into English.