The visionary Czech writer Karel Capek (1890-1938), one of the century's great authors, first gained fame during the 1920s and 1930s when his short stories, novels, satires, journalism, children's books, and plays made him the most important writer in his native country. War With the Newts, one of the great dystopian …

《罗梭的万能工人》,是一套1920年的科幻舞台剧,由卡雷尔·恰佩克以捷克语编写。“R.U.R.”全写是“Rossum's Universal Robots”,意即“罗梭的全能机器人”,该句英语短语常用作剧本的副标题。该剧于1921年首次演出,并定下机器人的英文“robot”并对科幻文学有着深远的影响。 《R.U.R.》出版后迅速成名,并在其出版初期有着具大的影响力。到了1923年,它已被翻译成30种语言。 …

Karel Capek (1890-1938), one of the greatest Czechoslovakian authors of the century, and who mastered numerous forms of writing, was particularly inventive with the genre of mystery, detective, and crime fiction. In Tales from Two Pockets, however, Capek took the crime story and related forms of the genre to new …

The Absolute at Large, is a science fiction novel written by Czech author Karel Čapek in 1922. The first sentence opens the story on New Year's Day 1943, and describes the fundamental transformations in society as the result of a new mystical source of virtually free energy.

Karel Capek, author of the acclaimed War with the Newts, is one of the great Czechoslovak writers of the twentieth century. These fairy tales bear Capek's combination of the fantastic and the satirical, offering fairies, elves, and talking animals alongside references to detectives, secret police agents, luxury …