Broken is the seventh book in the Grant County series by author Karin Slaughter. It was originally released in hardback in June 2010. The previous books in the series are Blindsighted, Kisscut, A Faint Cold Fear, Indelible, Faithless and Beyond Reach. These books feature the characters Sara Linton, Will Trent, and …

In the wake of Stieg Larsson’s best-selling novels, readers are discovering the rich trove of modern Scandinavian crime fiction. If you’ve devoured the Millennium trilogy and are looking for your next read, Karin Fossum and her bone-chillingly bleak psychological thrillers have won the admiration of the likes of Ruth …

He Who Fears the Wolf is a novel by Norwegian writer Karin Fossum, the third in the Inspector Konrad Sejer series.

Reinhardt and Kristine Ris, a married couple, are out for a Sunday walk when they discover the body of a boy and see the figure of a man limping away. They alert the police, but not before Reinhardt, to Kristine’s horror, kneels down and takes photographs of the dead child with his cell phone. Inspectors Konrad Sejer …

Charlo Torp has problems. He’s grieving for his late wife, he’s lost his job, and gambling debts have alienated him from his teenage daughter. Desperate, his solution is to rob an elderly woman of her money and silverware. But Harriet Krohn fights back, and Charlo loses control.Wracked with guilt, Charlo attempts to …